Welcome to our art class blog! You can stay updated with what's going on in our Elementary art class. (Previous postings are from middle school art). I'll regularly update News and photos about classroom activites, art shows, and contests. Thanks and come back soon!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ketchup Creativity Contest 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
What will you do with your $1,000? That's what you'll win if you're one of the 12 winners in the Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Strawberry Festival T-shirt design winners
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Doodle 4 Google
What I'd like to do someday...
- …Become a doctor with my own TV show.
- …Invent rocket shoes that let you fly.
- …Open a zoo for the world’s endangered animals.
Your design is due to Mrs. Ganze by March 14th
8.5" x 11" paper

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Ketchup Creativity Contest 2011
- Twelve winners will have their artwork printed on millions of Heinz® Ketchup packets and will receive a $1,000 cash prize.
- A grand prize winner and his or her artwork will appear on Heinz® Ketchup bottles, in addition to single-serve packets, and will receive a $5,700 cash prize.
- Winners' schools receive a $1,000 award for art supplies, $1,000 worth of Heinz® Ketchup and a poster of the winners' art.
- Pop Artist Burton Morris— Internationally acclaimed artist Burton Morris returns to the judges' panel to select the top three entries in each grade. Burton offers encouragement and tips to your young artists. Learn more in Meet the Artist.
- America chooses the winners — The top three entries in each grade (K-1 through 12) will be showcased online, where the public can vote for their favorites. From the 12 winners, Heinz will choose the grand prize winner.
- Un-bottled creativity— The grand prize winner's artwork will appear on Heinz® Ketchup bottles, in addition to Heinz Ketchup packets.
- Winners' Gallery — Our online Winners' Gallery is the place where all winners' designs will be on display. It's also the place you'll find tools to share the art and highlights of the experience with family, friends and the community.

Contest opens: January 12, 2011 (Online entries may be received as of 12:00:00 a.m.)
Burton Morris selects top three finalists in each grade on or around: March 22, 2011
America votes for grand prize winners: April 4-11, 2011
Heinz selects grand prize winner: April 2011
Winners publicly announced on or around: April 15, 2011
Winners' designs exhibited in Winners' Gallery: May 2011
School awards ceremonies: May/June 2011
Winners' art appears on 200 million+ Heinz Ketchup packets: 2011-12 school year.
Grand prize winner's art featured on Heinz Ketchup bottles: 2011-12 -school year